We are into August and High Holiday services to be conducted by our Rosh Kehilah, Mr. Steve Wallach and Rabbi-Cantor Bert Kieffer are coming soon. Tickets are available now at our Tuesday Tables or by mail. Price: $45 Residents & $50 for non-Residents guest of residents. For Mail Order: send a check with an SASE to Bernard Yanuck, 7755 Trent Dr. Bldg F, Tamarac 33321. Please include name, address and phone 3 of all resident attendees & name only of guests. It is very important for congregants to participate in our services so please ask for an honor or accept an offered honor. All honors are available to all congregants MALE or FEMALE, Resident or Guest. We need especially those who can lift or carry a Torah, do a Maftir or lead a Preliminary Service. Again Male or female, resident or guest. We want to emphasize, our congregants are more than 55% female and we want to involve you in whatever honor you can do. For info on all honors please contact Irvin Aronson, Honors Chairman (see phone below)
It is time now to remind you that on Yom Kippur at our Yiskor service we want to honor all of our members or their close relatives who have passed away since last Yom Kippur. If you are in this situation please contact a member of our board.
For any further info, please see us at our Tuesday AM table or call: President Irv Aronson at 954-724-7274; Stuart Richman at 954-722-6286; Gil Tabakin at 954-720-5279 and Bernard Yanuck – 954-718-1369. Also see our Ad elsewhere in this paper.